Summer Seminars


            The theme this summer is “Biblical Counseling.” Recent books, including Abigail Shrier’s celebrated Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up, have raised pointed questions regarding the efficacy of, value of, and even potential harm caused by some forms of psychotherapy and the use of some psychoactive medications. Christians ought to be even more concerned given the clear atheistic, anti-Christian commitments of the founders of modern psychology. We should also ask questions regarding the swift and often uncritical adoption of secular psychological theories and practices into the church by “Christian” psychotherapists, along with the abandonment of biblical soul care by pastors and other wise, mature students of Scripture.

            In response to perceived errors, “biblical counseling” was introduced in the last half of the 1900s to restore the biblical care of souls to the hurting, re-employing the divine help revealed in God’s Word. Its aim, as one group has said, is: “Restoring Christ to counseling, and counseling to the church.”

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            The theme this summer will be “Understanding the Popular Mind.” In 2019 and again in 2022, Reformed theologian Carl Trueman helpfully described our current cultural situation by introducing readers to such concepts as “expressive individualism” and the “social imaginary.” He went on to explain the philosophical groundwork that has shaped the way many now understand and approach life. What does imply about the state of the popular mind today? How can the church best respond to these formidable challenges to evangelism and discipleship? What impact does expressive individualism have on marriage, even among Christians?

Pastor Brian Janssen

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The theme this summer will be “Male and Female He Created Them” (Genesis 1:27). Christians today are faced with a bewildering blizzard of innovations and challenges in the areas of sexuality and gender, and there appears to be no end in sight. But God’s Word speaks with clarity and authority on all of these issues. As many are succumbing to the hazards of the new sexual morality, we need once again to examine our Creator’s design for these important matters.

Pastor Brian Janssen